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    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
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  1. Works for me in macos firefox ? - is it because it's not HTTPS i wonder... [edit] apparently i did setup SSL on that domain so i changed it to https, hopefully it works now? [edit 2] okay for the life of me i cannot get that link to actually link, it's href="" lol. the wav one works apparently though.
  2. Hey all, Got some awesome feedback from the judges and was asked to resub, but as usually I might have overdone it Original track: The rejected mix: The latest version: https://files.jneen.net/ocremix/bwt2.flac wav version in case your browser can't open flac... -----> https://files.jneen.net/ocremix/bwt2.wav <---- EDIT: just to summarize what i did and the feedback i'm looking for: * i did change up the drums at 1:12, but i'm afraid they distract from the fun sfx layers now. it's still probably better than just continuing the break as-is, though, i'm not sure. * i added a whole new section at 2:22-ish where i resampled the previous sliced break and did more old-school chopping to create a half-tempo beat, and then added a brass section with other mario theme callbacks. (the non-8-bit version of the original in the game also does this with the smb1 ground theme, i just also added a bit of smb3 and smb1 underground). this section kind of ramps up the tension a lot for a track i'd originally envisioned to just kind of be * i got a good deal of feedback on the mix, which i did address some of - but i do kind of like the melody floating in over the hills with the bass and drums close by. maybe i'm just used to sitting in rhythm sections EDIT (19 Mar): updated the mix, fixed a few techincal problems (renoise tracker effects get hecked when combined with phrases sometimes...)
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